Here is a small instruction to start using CLI for windows. Download CLI executable from
After downloaded the executable file. Open the force.exe program from the command line.
Lets say if you have downloaded into D drive, open the force.exe from command prompt.
Open command prompt
- type cmd in run
- type cd d:\
- then enter force.exe
Now you have loaded CLI in command prompt.It displays all the available commands in the command line.
Login to salesforce to start using it on your salesforce instance.
Type force login
It will open in the browser. If you want to connect to our sandbox instance, then after opening the browser window replace the to Do not remove/change the remaining strings in the url.
Once you have logged in successfully you can start using other commands from the command line.
The command i found very exciting is the export command. It will export all your metadata from your salesforce instance just by one line of code.
force export
Hope you may enjoy using CLI..!!