Here is a small instruction to start using CLI for windows. Download CLI executable from
After downloaded the executable file. Open the force.exe program from the command line.
Lets say if you have downloaded into D drive, open the force.exe from command prompt.
Open command prompt
type cmd in run
type cd d:\
then enter force.exe
Now you have loaded CLI in command prompt.It displays all the available commands in the command line.
Login to salesforce to start using it on your salesforce instance.
Type force login
It will open in the browser. If you want to connect to our sandbox instance, then after opening the browser window replace the to Do not remove/change the remaining strings in the url.
Once you have logged in successfully you can start using other commands from the command line.
The command i found very exciting is the export command. It will export all your metadata from your salesforce instance just by one line of code.
Have you
ever been come up with a case where you have to create test data with created
date less than today. Is that possible??
In winter’13
salesforce introduced a static method on test class, loadData() method which
can load the data from static resource. This method takes two parameters
token – to identify to which object the static data should be mapped.
resource name- From which salesforce load data, it can be a csv file with field
names are file headers and respective cells having values.
Lets say I
have a following piece of code which I need to cover from a test class.
public class TestLoad
public void TestAccounts()
List<Account> a = [select name from account where createdDate <];
for(Account ac: a)
some logic
I can use
the following code to cover the complete line of code.
private class TestLoad_TC
static testMethod Void TestLoad_TC()
List<sObject> ls = Test.loadData(Account.sObjectType,'testAccounts');
TestLoad insta1 = new TestLoad();
Test.loadData(Account.sObjectType,'testAccounts'), which loads the data from
static resource.
The csv file
headers should maintain the object field api name for the method to map the
data from file to object.
This may be useful for someone
who is trying to make an efficient code on platform. We all know that
there is a limit on DML operation on in a transaction, just 150. We
may want to write much DML operation on different objects. Let’s say if you
have accounts, contacts and you want to update /insert these objects in the
same context, how we can save DML operations if the number of records in
combined list cannot cross 10,000. There is a solution with generic Sobjects in
sales force.
So we have list of accounts, contacts.
List Account_list = new List();
List Contact_list = new List();
Some logic to populate account, contact data and finally you want to perform DML operation on account and contact.
Let’s say an update.
List Update_list = new List();
Update Update_list; /* This will save one DML operation*/
Hope this can help someone who is close to DML limit.
Starting from summer’13 sales force announced that the test
class should be written outside of an apex class. You cannot save apex code
with version 28.0 or later if you have written test method inside an apex class.
The reason behind the scene is:
While executing
an apex class/ trigger sales force load the apex code into cache (a high speed
memory) to make better performance. If you have written test class inside an
apex class those test methods are also loaded into the cache memory and they stay
in the cache till execution completes. There is no need to load these test code
while executing apex class for any business logic.
The sales is a shared environment and if every apex class loads some test code
into the cache memory there will be a lot of space underutilized in the system,
thus causing others to wait. So sales force now won’t allow developers to write
test class inside an apex class for apex code saved using API version 28 or
later. But the existing code can be saved with earlier API version.
I had a
requirement to add a predictive search (auto complete) on a field in standard
page. The exact requirement was like whenever the user types some characters on
a field then automatically a suggestion drop down should come and that should
list all the values currently in the system for that field.
requirement can be easily fulfilled by home page component, little java script
and jQuery.
I am not going
to discuss how can we add home page component to a standard page, all the
documentation is available from sales force.
I have used
the following code in my home page component
I have created the below apex class for the above code to
global class opportunitySearch{
webService static String getFieldValues()
String pickValues='';
for( Schema.PicklistEntry f : Opportunity.StageName.getDescribe().getPicklistValues())
pickValues = pickValues +f.getValue()+'+';
return pickValues ;
Since sales force allows us to
execute java script code from home page component we can use JavaScript or
jQuery to implement some functionality in a standard page through home page
component. Here I need to fetch the data from back end and populated it on the
page I should be able to execute some query/apex code to do that. In the above
example I fetch all the opportunity stage values from a pick list and populated
on another field on the standard page.
To execute the apex class from java
script I cannot use the java scrip remoting since it is not supported in the
home page component. So I used sales force ajax toolkit to establish the
connection between home page component and apex class.
The below lines of code is required
for the Ajax tool kit to work.
Then I took the sales force session
id from cookie through java script , the below line of code does that
As we got the seesion id we need to
set it on the sales force connection. Once we set the session id for sfoce we
can execute the apex method from a class using the below piece of code
sforce.apex.execute(“Give apex
class name here”,”Give apex methos here “,{“give apex method parameters here”});
The apex class should be declared as
global and we need to have a webservice method also be there in the class for
java script to execute. In the apex class I have got all the picklist values
and I made it as a string separated with + sign. So the method returns all the
picklist values separated with + symbol.
So in the java script I filter each
status value with reference to the + symbol and I moved them into an array (stageArray).
From now I am using the jQuery to
do the autocomplete job through autocomplete () function on a particular
element by using the element id.