Have you
ever been come up with a case where you have to create test data with created
date less than today. Is that possible??
In winter’13
salesforce introduced a static method on test class, loadData() method which
can load the data from static resource. This method takes two parameters
token – to identify to which object the static data should be mapped.
resource name- From which salesforce load data, it can be a csv file with field
names are file headers and respective cells having values.
Lets say I
have a following piece of code which I need to cover from a test class.
public class TestLoad
public void TestAccounts()
List<Account> a = [select name from account where createdDate <:system.today()];
for(Account ac: a)
//Process some logic
public void TestAccounts()
List<Account> a = [select name from account where createdDate <:system.today()];
for(Account ac: a)
//Process some logic
I can use
the following code to cover the complete line of code.
private class TestLoad_TC
static testMethod Void TestLoad_TC()
List<sObject> ls = Test.loadData(Account.sObjectType,'testAccounts');
TestLoad insta1 = new TestLoad();
private class TestLoad_TC
static testMethod Void TestLoad_TC()
List<sObject> ls = Test.loadData(Account.sObjectType,'testAccounts');
TestLoad insta1 = new TestLoad();
Test.loadData(Account.sObjectType,'testAccounts'), which loads the data from
static resource.
The csv file
headers should maintain the object field api name for the method to map the
data from file to object.
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